When you join GS1 UK, you’re licensed with a GS1 Company Prefix (GCP). This GCP is used to form the GS1 identifiers that you need for your business. The same prefix can be used to create Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs) for products, Global Location Numbers (GLNs), and Serial Shipping Container Codes (SSCCs) for pallets and other logistics units. In fact, the prefix can be used to create 12 GS1 identifiers which can be used across your business, helping you to streamline and automate different applications.

Because the GCP is unique to you, the GS1 identifiers that are created from it will not clash with anyone else's, helping you benefit from interoperability and traceability worldwide.

GS1 Company Prefixes allocated by GS1 UK begin with 50. For a complete list of prefixes allocated to GS1 Member Organisations see here:


It's a common misconception but GS1 Prefixes do not indicate the country of origin for a given product. A company can join a particular GS1 Member Organisation but then manufacture and sell products elsewhere in the world.