As a result of the pandemic Anushi had to shift her focus to D2C drive sampling online. She introduced a range of trial boxes, which were more low cost and influenced quicker purchase decisions. She also partnered with a few other companies to have plant pop samples bundled with other products to reach more consumers. Anushi also utilized the Amazon platform to offer free samples and build up her product reviews.
In addition to her Amazon and Shopify store, Plant Pops is also available through other eCommerce stores that offered drop shipping options.
D2C has the biggest potential and making consumers part of the journey and decisions we make."
Plant Pops
The magic of popped lotus seeds is in the texture and that’s what makes it satisfying. Brand is important but product is extremely important and has to be right to start with."
Plant Pops
Brexit hasn’t had much of an impact on supply as their lotus seeds come from India however exporting to Europe did decline for a short period. Freight has caused the biggest impact to business due to shipping container price increases (tripling in price) which has affected costing.
Plant Pops' top tips
Tip 1
It’s possible to start small and ensure you get lots of feedback. We trialed 15 flavours initially before we got to our starting three flavours.
Tip 2
Explore options to offer customers different price points to drive purchase.